You are currently viewing Amache: Colorado’s World War II Japanese-American Relocation Center

Amache: Colorado’s World War II Japanese-American Relocation Center

On February 19, 1942, shortly after the United States was thrust into World War II after Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. This document ordered the forced removal of approximately 120,000 of Japanese ancestry from their homes on the west coast. 
Families had 7 days or less to sell their possessions including farms and businesses (usually for less than fair value) and report to be transported to “Relocation Centers” in remote areas of the US, surrounded by barbed wire and military armed guards. 
This video will take you to Amache Relocation Center, in eastern Colorado. At this relocation center, over 7,000 Japanese Americans and legal Japanese Immigrants were relocated. A nearby museum also contains artifacts donated by former detainees at the relocation center.

The Calvin Chronicles

Calvin enjoys photography, travel, history, and takes every opportunity to combine all three passions. After an early taste of international travel as a military “brat”, a new passport for work travel reignited the international travel bug. As a visual journalist who believes that opinions are shaped by life experiences, he strives to give his audience a front-row seat to his adventures from around the world and around the block.

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