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New Zealand Hiking to Volcanoes and Highest North Island Waterfall

I visited New Zealand in mid December. My second of multiple stops was to the town of Mount Maunganui, located on the north island! 

The main highlights during this visit were hikes up the extinct volcano Mount Maunganui, followed by another hike the same day to see the highest waterfall on the North Island of New Zealand, Wairere Falls. I experienced this trip with a friend from home as well as new friends from New Zealand.

The Calvin Chronicles

Calvin enjoys photography, travel, history, and takes every opportunity to combine all three passions. After an early taste of international travel as a military “brat”, a new passport for work travel reignited the international travel bug. As a visual journalist who believes that opinions are shaped by life experiences, he strives to give his audience a front-row seat to his adventures from around the world and around the block.

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